Let the RAS do your bidding for you

The Reticular Activating System (RAS) is a complex network of neurons in the brainstem that plays a crucial role in regulating arousal, attention, and consciousness. While it has been extensively studied in the context of sleep and wakefulness, recent research has highlighted its role in goal setting and achieving success.

The RAS works by filtering out unnecessary information and focusing attention on relevant stimuli, allowing us to prioritize and take action towards our goals. When we set a specific goal, the RAS starts to actively seek out and amplify stimuli related to that goal. This is often referred to as the "cocktail party effect," where we are able to filter out background noise and focus on a specific conversation.

For instance, if you decide to buy a new car, the RAS will start to pay attention to advertisements, car dealerships, and any other relevant stimuli. It will also filter out irrelevant stimuli, such as ads for houses or vacations.

But the RAS doesn't stop there. Once it has identified relevant stimuli, it sends a signal to the prefrontal cortex, which is responsible for decision making and planning. This allows us to take action towards our goals by making conscious decisions and plans.

However, the RAS can also be programmed to work on a subconscious level. This is where visualization and affirmations come in. By visualizing ourselves achieving our goals and repeating positive affirmations, we can program the RAS to seek out and amplify stimuli related to our goals, even when we are not consciously thinking about them.

For instance, if you want to become more confident, you can visualize yourself speaking confidently in front of a crowd and repeat affirmations such as "I am confident and capable." The RAS will start to seek out and amplify stimuli related to confidence, such as opportunities to speak in public or positive feedback from others.

In conclusion, the RAS is a powerful tool, if used correctly can enable us to achieve our goals and dreams. By setting specific goals, programming the RAS with visualization and affirmations, and taking conscious action towards our goals, we can harness the power of the RAS to do our bidding for us.


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